Keith Grace
When approached about creating paintings for the AC Hotel in Greenville, Keith felt an immediate connection to his past career. Keith worked as a newsroom illustrator, page designer, journalist and then Graphics Editor for a Gannett newspaper in Rockford, Illinois from 1984 – 1997. This hotel site was the previous home of the Greenville News – another Gannett newspaper. Newshound is a common term assigned to journalists – those seeking truth, justice and accountability in their reporting and writing. Keith shares “ It seemed a like the perfect inspiration to use dogs —both noble and loyal, for the imagery I created. The backgrounds are collaged with vintage newspaper clippings, typography and map fragments giving a nod to our past as we celebrate the new.”

Slate Newshound

315 South Main Street
Greenville, South Carolina 29601
Open Hours
Monday - Friday: 10am – 5pm
Weekends: 10am – 9pm
Holidays: Closed